Chaos Publishing is proud to announce that our games are available to buy from Amazon and also Res Publica 2230 AD should now be available to buy at games stores across the uk.
Medieval Mastery and Res Publica 2230 AD are listed on Amazon market place and are really easy to find with a simple search.
If you are an Amazon Prime member you can benefit from free delivery and get next day delivery on both of the games.
Res Publica 2230 AD is available for £17.99 and Medieval Mastery for £23.99 so even if you aren’t a prime member and have to pay for delivery, don’t fret, Amazon’s shipping rates are good.
Res Publica 2230 AD has also been picked up by Esdevium, which is fabulous news as Esdevium supply retail outlets all across the UK, you should be able to pop in pick up a copy from your local games store.