Chaos Publishing is an independent UK publisher dedicated to bringing entertaining and captivating board & card games to your tabletop. Founded in November 2010 by David Inker and Miles Ratcliffe, they are based in Wiltshire, England where they run their own Chaos Unpub playtest events, Magic: the Gathering tournaments and more.
We make fun, interactive board & card games that are thematic, engaging yet easy to learn. While our focus is on fun, we pride ourselves on creating games that provide a good balance of luck and strategy. We set very high standards for ourselves. We don’t just want to make good games, we want to innovate and create games that can make a lasting impression. We aim to make games that will last a lifetime.
Note: If you are game designer and want us to take a look at your design, please see our Games Submissions page for more info.
We are a proud member of the Indie Game Alliance and are intent on providing support to others in the industry so that we can grow our international community. As such, we aim to take an active role engaging in forums, social media, blogs and more so that we can best serve and be a part of this incredible community. We also run our own podcast (Chaos Talks) where we talk about specific topics related to board game design and the industry as a whole.